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Bring along home grown veggies, fruit, eggs and any other produce you've made yourself such as preserves, bread, jam, pickles, craft to swap or sell. If you don't grow or make your own, you can come to the Black Market and buy from those who do. The Black Market is also open to local farmers who grow commercial produce on a small scale. Local food swaps are a great way to be better connected to your food, get to know your local community, reduce food miles, consumerism, packaging, waste and environmental impacts from certain types of agriculture and food production.

Bring along home grown veggies, fruit, eggs and any other produce you've made yourself such as preserves, bread, jam, pickles, craft to swap or sell.

Its the Black Market!

Highlands Black Market

Monthly, fourth Saturdays

94 Old Highlands Rd, Highlands



12pm to 2pm

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